I watched the first episode of Korra, and while it was really good, I just ended up missing the gang from the first series even more. It reminds me of when I watched Buffy; I was so eager to tear through it, but then I ended up wishing I had taken my time. I put off Korra even longer, while episodes accumulated on the DVR, until eventually season one went streaming on Amazon Prime.
While waiting for Korra episodes to gather, I found Nostalgia Critic had reviewed the entire Last Airbender series, episode by episode. It sounds a little strange to enjoy watching a series through someone else's eyes, but its exactly what I wanted. You know how when you discover something good, and you excitedly try to convert friends on it, so they can enjoy it with you? It's a strange social impulse, which probably served some evolutionary purpose like "hey, the hunting and gathering is much better over this way", and now makes us try to get other people to watch the same TV shows.
When I watched the first episode of Korra I still wasn't accepting that Last Airbender was really over. Reading over my previous posts, I don't seem that excited about what I'm watching, I wonder if felt the same way during shows like Buffy, Lost, Babylon 5, DS9 - I was too busy plowing through it, and only when it was gone did the sense of loss inform me how much I really loved it.
Time to move forward.