Monday, April 15, 2013

Cross Game (2005)

I was listening to Otaku Generation podcast #350 (I'm only a little over a year behind), and they were going on and on about not spoiling Cross Game, the anime review of the episode. I've diligently avoided spoilers about Eva and Bebop (except that one at the end people keep blurting out), but I've never cared about any of the countless other animes they've spoiled (though they are thankfully minimal with the spoilage). I always figured by the time I get around to watching any, I'll have long since forgotten the details. But something in the tone of today's plea to not spoil it, and go watch it yourself first, got me to go do it.

I had some high idea of following the history of anime, going way back to the earliest I could find, and tracing it up to the present. That's probably too big an approach for something I'm not fanatical about, so I could let it for a second. Everything is on the net, so I didn't expect to have to search for long. I was watching it in seconds, and it was a fairly quick 24 minutes. The subs were pretty good, I guess, and I didn't mind watching it small.

So now, spoilers.

Maybe it was because I was warned by the show, I was ready for something heavy. I was waiting for Elder Gods to arrive, or the female lead to reveal herself as an alien sex killer from Species, or maybe even just the male lead to be revealed as serial killer. It was much more mundane, and telegraphed heavily in advance. Still, it was a fairly nice half hour. Now back to the show to see what this was all about.

OK, so that's the big deal, that the expired character still has a large presence in the show for the remaining 50 episodes. And that its a slice of life show, which I think is a genre I'm going to like, but probably not this particular one. I am underwhelmed. I'll pass.